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Dr. Ian Dunbar has done so much to help dogs I have to share his work. I first found his Sirius puppy Training video in 1990 and he has been the single biggest influence in my career. DogStarDaily has lots of free resources to help you help your PupStars.
Puppy Culture... The Proof Is In the Puppies. Great resources for breeders, puppy owners and show competitors.
Alchazandis is my own page on Champdogs, the most ethical UK breeder website. If you are planning to buy a puppy, please look at Champdogs breeder lists first. They check all paperwork, pedigree and health test claims
Lilli Chin is a phenomenal artist, her training memes are a fantastic educational resource. Some she shares freely but she could do with some of you shopping on her site too please.
Liselot's Boersma's beautiful work is very powerful. She has kindly given me permission to use one image within this website. I shall be using visual graphics purchased from LotsDogs.com to help clients understand their pets' needs.
Did you know there was a Canine Hydrotherapy Specialist who also offers DIY Dog Wash in Dumfries? This is fantastic for puppies to get used to a and preparing them for other groomers too.